Friday, 28 May 2010

A day in the life... Part 3

New shoes, hot sunnies... What do you think was perfect way to round off this fabulous day? A preview of the new Sex and the City movie of course. Miss Magpie is a HUGE fan of SATC, so this really was the icing on the cake yesterday.

I won't spoil any of the story line for you, but I have to say that it wasn't the fab four's finest moment (and I rarely say anything bad about them). The storyline was sweet but totally cringe-worthy, the grasp of the Arabic culture somewhat ignorant and the acting certainly not Oscar winning. However, the costumes were a feast for the eyes, Mr Big a redeemed character and the ending happy, so I enjoyed it and still love all four girls.

 The brochure, my ticket, nail files and a body tattoo (random)

Seeing as you might not have seen it yet, here are some highlights (in alphabetical order, natch):

$20 shoes, abayas, Abu Dhabi, Arabic pringles, Aiden, 'All the single ladies', big gay Jewish wedding, black diamond, camels, camel toe, Carrie's prom skirt, Carrie's walk-in wardrobe, cocktails, condoms, cultural ignorance, dish-dashes, fun Miranda, gay Indian butler, glittery Louboutins, friendship, harem pants, hormones, hot milk,  inappropriate erection, Irish bra-less nanny, karaoke, Liza Minelli and her legs, menopause, Miranda's guide book, passport fiascoes, Patricia Fields' amazing styling, Penelope Cruz, red paint, ripped Hermes, Samantha's libido, Samantha's mega earrings (you'll know the ones), Samantha's studded red top, Samantha's swimsuit, silver fox, Smith Jared, tears, THE kiss, The New Yorker review, THE sofa, thigh-high slit, vintage Rolex, vintage Valentino, women's club, yellow shorts...

 A taster

Some expected, some unexpected, some totally random!! (And there are lots more but I have to rush off to my mystery weekend, so more soon...)

The verdict? You have to see it but take it for what it is and concentrate on the clothes.

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