Sunday, 19 September 2010

London Fashion Week, Day2

Dear Wisdom Tooth,

Please stop causing me pain. Please let me sleep. Please go away.

Please, please, please.

Love Miss Magpie x


Dear darling feet,

Please do not turn on me this weekend. I know I don't always treat you right but I promise I'll make it up to you as soon as LFW is over. I will wear flats and Ugg boots for a whole week. Please just hold on a little longer.

Yours truly,
Miss Magpie and her very pretty shoes


Yes, I woke up this morning to some extremely painful toothache and a pair of seriously numb feet. Ouch! Unable to move I missed my first few shows of the day. Boo!

As I dragged myself in to the shower, I got THE best phone call. Miss Elaine Greenshields - Fashion and Beauty Director of Grazia Middle East and my ex-boss - had landed in London. Yippee!!

I was at Somerset House to meet Elaine in no time and look what I found upon my arrival:

OMG!!!!! Elaine is the proud new owner of this season's hottest footwear - Burberry's shearling boots. Jealous? Just a teensy little bit.

Elaine is so going to kill me for putting this pic up (she's very camera shy), but I think she looks fab. Utterly chic and classic.

I, on the other hand, opted for the slut-chic look...again.

I gave the thigh-high boots another chance - I will not be defeated. This time though, I chose to cover up with a pair of orange lace leggings. Ok, so they don't really tone down the OTK boots but I'm pretty sure that the white van drivers of this world don't find them interesting. In fact, I think they found them quite confusing.

Miss Magpie 1. WVDs 0.

It is now 1am on Day 3, so if you don't mind I think I shall go and rest my weary head and let you know all about today's shows tomorrow. Adieu.